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Advanced and progressive system in farming is being grown. Even though ,yet, inhabitants of some countries around the world suffer from food deprivation. That is for many reasons such As as sudden increase in dwellers throughout the world and farmland are not enough to satisfy people's food demand. 47
In this era, due to the massive improvement using technology and science, especially in agriculture, the majority of people all around the world still suffer from hunger, several reasons are engaged in this problem mainly the lack of resources.
Although there are many advanced technologies have been introduced to the agricultural processes currently, there are still a considerable amount of people who suffer from hunger and famine across the universe, especially in third-world countries. This p
In this era, due to the growth of science and technology advances are being done in everything that is used in daily necessities. despite advances made in ,agriculture countless people remain still hungry around the globe. I am agreeing with this point a
In this era, due to the growth of science and technology advances are being done in everything that is used in daily necessities. Despite advances made in ,agriculture countless people remain still hungry around the globe. I am agreeing with this point an
Agriculture is the main source of food supply to people throughout the world and it is now equipped with advanced technology applied to all aspects of farming. Despite the improvements, a significant amount of people is staying hungry which is a global
Science and technologies paved a way for many achievements in such archaic industries as crop production and livestock breeding, which at the same time has not eradicated the problem of food dearth in various regions. In this essay I will try to elucidate
Over the past few years, technological advancements have brought an improvement in agricultural sector over the world. However, many people still suffer from hunger. This essay is going to discuss the cause of this problem and how to approach the problem.
It is certainly true that many developments have been made in the agricultural sector, yet every day many people around the globe continue to suffer from hunger. The aim of this essay is to examine possible reasons behind this issue and also suggest some ways to tackle the situation.
In today's advanced world, science and technology have helped improve all aspects of our life even in the field of agriculture. But even with so advancement in agriculture, most people around the globe do not have enough food. This essay will discuss the possible reasons for this and put forward several solutions to reduce this issue.
Agricultural development has positive impacts on a human being, however, there still remains starvation in some regions all over the world. Although this could be caused by many issues, solutions can be taken to alleviate.
Despite the modern development in agriculture, it is seen that there are numerous places in the world where people still do not have an abundance to eat. This difficulty stands as a great obstacle to us. This upcoming article discusses the main reasons for this impediment and the possible solutions to sort it out accordingly.
Despite the modern development in agriculture, it is clear that there are numerous places in the world where people still do not have an abundance of eating. This difficulty stands as a significant obstacle to us. There are several reasons behind this phenomenon. This article discusses the main reasons for this impediment and the possible solutions to sort it out accordingly.
In today's advanced world, science and technology have helped all the aspects of our lives including the field of agriculture. But even with these advancements, most people around the globe do not have enough food. This essay will discuss the possible reasons for it and put forward several solutions to reduce the issue.
Over the last few decades, advancements in technology had a great impact on the agriculture sector. Regardless of innovation, many poor citizens continue to suffer from hunger due to an increase in prices and quality of food products. Therefore, collaborative efforts from the government and people are required to deal with this problem.
There are a lot of developed technology taking place in the agricultural domain. However, food is still not sufficient for all populations around the world. In the following paragraphs, the causes and solutions of this statement will be outlined.
Although technology for agriculture has advanced significantly, many people in several countries around the world still have a problem of poverty. In this essay, I will give an explanation of why the statement is true and how to tackle the issue based on my own knowledge.
The upgraded technologies bring numerous improvements in every aspect even in the agriculture sector. The advancements of agriculture could not beat the hunger of the population around the globe. In this essay, I will discuss the causes behind this problem and will serve the solutions with relevant information that might help in this.
These day and age people in some places of the world have not enough meal although the development of agriculture is increasing fast. Many reasons for this problem could be indicated and some of them and also possible decisions will be discussed in the essay.
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