I am writing to you in order to get your kind approval on performing a presentation in our company building. In fact, I participated in a conference about green buildings, and I like to share this subject with my colleagues for one hour only.
I am writing to you in order to get your kind approval on performing a presentation in our company building. In fact, I participated in a conference about green buildings, and I like to share this subject with my colleagues for one hour only.
I am writing now to request permission on your side for an educational presentation. It will include information about the Modern Frameworks for water resources management and the available data sources for the study. Furthermore, I predict that it will take only 1 hour, by which I will introduce it in front of the management members in the meeting room.
I am writing this letter with regards to you're approval for presenting time management skills for the new sales team that recently joined our company. This presentation will be based on the knowledge which I have gained from the conference that I have attended last week.