In the era of 21st-century technology has become part and parcel of every flesh and bloods life. Upgrading to the existing technology involves huge substantial cost. In developed countries like the USA , Canada etc government try spending on new and faster means of transport like by constructing new railways etc. whereas in developing countries like India, Pakistan etc government should spend on improving the existing transport.
By constructing new lines for the railway will have different benefits such as tourism will increase and people get more employed because government would be spending on development of infrastructure. Over and above the states and zones would be linked, people can travel long distance for work in less time. With new technology, there would be faster development as a country will be moving along the same lines as the technology. It would also increase the GDP of the country as employment would increase so will the output of the country will increase. But by spending huge sums of money developing country will increase their own debt and would thus putting themselves in hot water. Developing country's existing transport will continue to depreciate as no money is spend on them as the money is diverted towards the construction and maintenance of the new railway. The cost of the new railway will increase and focus on small repair works on existing transport will diminish. If the money is used for the repair works on the existing machines then country could save some money which could be used in other constructive works and this will lead to fuller utilization of the existing transport.
So according to me, developing countries must spend their money on developing their existing transport because most of them are already in huge debts from the international bank and this would lead to small saving for the government, which could be utilized in repaying debts or other important activities