the chart below shows the aid form six developed countries to devloping countries from 2008-2009

the chart below shows the aid form six developed countries to devloping countries from 2008-2009
The bar chart presents the amount of aid in billion dollars from the US, Germany, UK, Japan, Netherlands, and Sweden to developing land in 2008-2010. The US is the only country the numbers in rescue have risen over or equal to 20 billion coins in all three periods. The highest numbers of help in the US were in 2010, which increased to 2500 million dollars.
, the second region is Germany. There were steadily aided greater than 1000 million coins in 2009-2010, which is similar to in UK and Japan.
in the Netherlands and Sweden, the volume of assistance was under 10 billion coins in the period of 2008-2010. Of all amounts, Sweden had the lowest total, at 5400 million dollars in three years.
, the figures for aid from six developed nations demonstrated that the US had good finances to help the developing countries more than the others.
Submitted by giftbro_ on

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Basic structure: Change the second paragraph.
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "amount" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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