It is true that work has an indispensable role to play in the context of anthropological history.
, more and more people have been working overtime nowadays. From my perspective, the phenomenon has already brought some negative
impactFix the agreement mistake
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. In
essay, I will explain my viewpoints and reasons in detail in the ensuing paragraphs.
To begin
with, in the modern world, the shortage of manpower due to the low birth rate, young
adultFix the agreement mistake
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compete with each other fiercely.
For instance
, the candidate for a high-tech electronics industry needs a highly educated person who can speak multiple languages. Likely, it
offers an attractive salary.
, once
youChange the pronoun
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entryReplace the word
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company, you will be expected to do more things. Based on
compelling evidence, the situation,
kind of extended working hours with unreasonable company policy, often makes employees struggle with whether to quit.
the aforementioned,
thisChange the determiner
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generations are much more demanding of themselves than previous generations. Having
perfectionistCorrect article usage
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personality is
anChange the article
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silent example.
, the number of patients who have physical and mental problems caused by stress and overwork are
raisingCorrect your spelling
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rapidly in recent years. These indicate that using too much time for work indeed brings some drawbacks.
In summary, despite the fact that working longer hours may
showsChange the verb form
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your diligent personality and outstanding
, their demerits must not be ignored.
, it is imperative that
should regulate a strict
normFix the agreement mistake
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to protect the health of citizens and reduce their pressure.