IELTS Problem and Solution Writing Samples Band 8.5

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These days, consumerism among people has increased and they do not keep their old assets for a long time, but in the past, the public used broken products after repairing them. This issue has surrounded several reasons, and has affected society and nature almost negatively.
Nowadays in the modern world, myriad populations become workers who have got enough salary for paid any necessary things for living in the world, normally, they do not have enough free time for doing any exercises or something like that for solving healthcare problems.
The advancement of modern technology and ease of job resulted in making people today more unfit than our ancestors. There are many reasons for resulting concern about fitness and there are various solutions too.
A balance in the ecosystem is mandatory for the survival of mankind on this planet. There are some events that may lead to an imbalance between different species and their diminishing on earth. This essay will describe some of the causes which can result in a disturbance in this ecosystem and give valid solutions for the problem.
Mankind is the major cause of decreasing the variety of animals and plants globally. I agree with the above statement. This essay will discuss some of the reasons for this diminishing bio-diversity along with solutions and in the end, will give a valid conclusion.
Sleep absence has become a huge problem among a large number of individuals which can bring a variety of issues. This essay will discover the main causes of sleep shortage as well as possible solutions to this problem.
In recent years, most children show a gloomy outlook towards education, which is becoming increasingly serious in many countries. Nevertheless, the phenomenon threatens the future of nations their effects can be combated successfully. This essay will explore the factors affecting the trend and suggests some solutions to the problem.
These days, crime has become a happening issue in society since many prisoners still make their negative habits even after being penalized by the law. One of the reasons for this case would be that society underestimates the offenders, and the community’s support for the prisoners might be the best solution for this problem.
Nowadays, our globe has become a worldwide village. Due to wide spreading economic development, our daily usage of merchandise is manufactured by other nations along with a prolonged transporting time. This essay discusses that the primary positive outcomes of this phenomenon are having up-to-date trends and simultaneous development among all countries. However, the negative results are the high costs of exported products and the impact of the unstable ferry system. I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
The younger generations spend more time on digital games than physical activities, which has caused a severe problem. This essay will derive some reasons for behavioural change and applicable solutions.
With a massive volume of the world population, the demand for consumer goods has increased rapidly. The companies and industries which are produced the goods are often attributed to destroying the natural environment. This may cause numerous problems for society, but there are solutions to prevent this damage to a great extent. This essay will deal with the issues and solutions.
Nowadays businesses have made many problems for mankind in every aspect such as health and accommodation due to which higher authorities of the majority of states encourage individuals to move and Establish their work outside the cities to overcome issues related to it. This essay will discuss both pros and cons of the topic.
These days, online entertainment industries such as television, and Netflix have altered our lives, and people have had a wide range of programs to entertain. However, this situation causes a detrimental effect on British juveniles who have a higher statistic for watching television and having the least physical exercise in a week. In my country, this concern is becoming the new trend for all ages, parents can be considered the main responsible for this problem, with corporations of schools and ,families could tackle this issue.
It is a true fact that crimes are increasing day by day. The most significant reasons for climbing the crime rate are poverty and lack of the knowledge of consequences of actions. This essay will elucidate the causes behind this phenomenon and manoeuvres in order to prevent further criminal activities.
In a democratic country, voters are the pillar of democracy. In recent times, in a nation like India, the lower rating is a serious issue. This essay will discuss firstly, the problems which are created through low voting and some solutions which may help to enhance the rate of voting in the developing country in the second passage.
It is true that environmental deterioration is one of the major issues facing several nations. While there are various reasons for the damage, humanity should be responsible to address this situation by taking some efficient measures.
It is said that an enormous number of countries have serious drug abuse problems. There are various troubles are brought about by this phenomenon, and the government can take up the leadership role to impose measures to tackle this issue.
In the modern era, most teenagers focus on trends. They spend money to sustain their dream. However, today they imitate the attitude and apparel of the famous crowds. This essay explains the cases and problems with the attitude of teenagers.
In the status quo, clean water has been massively demanded and considered a worldwide issue to be resolved at once due to its urgency and limitation in many regions globally. This essay elucidates the major factors of its higher demand and effective alternatives which could be done by the governments and societies.
Currently, the method used by people to communicate between them has suffered variations due to technology. This report will attempt to explain how these changes have influenced types of contact and if it has positive or negative effects on evolution. I strongly believe that technology has improved our interactions and has many benefits for development.
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