IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In our modern world, more and more people decide not to get married. In this essay, I will explore the reasons for this trend and discuss whether it is positive or negative. Firstly, I will write about the causes and circumstances associated with this issue and secondly, I will discuss the negatives about this.
In our modern world, more and more individuals decide live alone. In this essay, I will explore the reasons for this and discuss whether it is positive or negative. Firstly, I will write about the causes and circumstances associated with this theme and secondly, I will discuss the cons about this.
In the 21st century, more and more individuals decide not to get married. In this essay, I will explore the reasons for this trend and discuss whether it is positive or negative. Firstly, I will write about the causes and circumstances associated with this issue and secondly, I will discuss the negatives about this.
In today's fast-paced era, everyone wants to settle down in developed countries with their dream jobs. Nowadays, youngsters prefer to settle lonely instead of living with their families members in order to enjoy their modern cultures freely. This leads to reflect a negative impact on society which I will elucidate in the forthcoming paragraphs.
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