In this increasingly globalised world, it has become impossible for any country ora culture to be secluded. Interactions in various realms as economics, culture and education keep happening all the time between countries and we keep influencing and imitating each other. This has led to a narrowing of our differences and this should be seen as more advantageous than otherwise. The scale and impact of globalisation now is at an unprecedented level. This has thrown open enormous opportunities. Although economic theorists had for many years been espousing the concept of specialisation to optimise economic growth for all countries, it is only in the last two or three decades that this is being widely practised. Businesses now have no imposed constraints and they can grow to their full potential, offering the consequent benefits like job creation, more taxes and providing access to the best products to everyone. In this backdrop, it is understandable that advertisements, fashion trends, brands etc have universal appeal. Cultural interaction that is happening now due to increased tourism and migration is also desirable. The salutary effects of such interaction include increased tolerance and respect for other cultures. A broader outlook and worldview among people can help mitigate many global problems. For one, the likelihood of conflict and war between countries which actively interact with each other would be negligible and this can only augur well for the furtherance of peace in the world. Furthermore, multilateral cooperation and knowledge sharing in recent years have accelerated innovation and development. For example, the International Space Station and the Large Hadron Collider could not have been built without such efforts. In conclusion, although there is no gainsaying the fact that increased interaction over several years may lead to loss of uniqueness of our identity, paving way for a mono-culture, this is a small price to pay for the creation of a more unified, peaceful, progressive, cooperative and developed world where superfluous differences do not divide us.