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The three pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. The main dealing ways for dangerous garbage are the following five ways, Recycling, Incineration, Underground, Chemical t
The pie charts demonstrate the shares of destroying methods of waste in three different countries, namely recycling, incineration, underground, chemical treatment, and dumping at sea. In the first diagram, it is observed that the most significant amount o
The pie charts demonstrate the shares of destroying methods of waste in three different countries, namely recycling, incineration, underground, chemical treatment, and dumping at sea. In the first diagram, it is observed that the most significant amount o
The pie charts show the shares of destroying methods of waste in three different countries, namely recycling, incineration, underground, chemical treatment, and dumping at sea.
The three charts illustrate the methods of solving dangerous waste products in terms of three countries namely the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
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