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The given pies illustrates the average percent of sodium, saturated fat and added sugars are taken in four main meals, which theirs overconsumption might be harmful for health. Overall, the majority of sodium and fat were prequently eatten in dinner, while most sugar was found in snacks. Lunch and breakfast tended to be had the lower percentages for all three nutrients than other meals.
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of sodium, saturated fat and added sugar in 4 daily meals consumed by USA citizens. Excessive consumption of any type of these nutrients may be detrimental to health.
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of sodium, saturated fat and added sugar in 4 daily meals consumed by USA citizens. Excessive consumption of any type of these nutrients may be detrimental to health.
The pie charts describe the three types of nutrients, namely sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar which are consumed in the USA. A glance at the pie charts reveal that those nutrients are eaten mostly at luch and dinner. As a matter of facts, consuming
The pie charts describe the three types of nutrients, namely sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar which are consumed in the USA. A glance at the pie charts reveal that those nutrients are eaten mostly at luch and dinner. As a matter of facts, consuming
The three pie charts provided illustrate how much sodium, saturated fat and added sugar are consumed in the three main meals of the day and in snacks in the United states of America.
The pie charts give information about how people consume three types of unhealthy nutrients (sodium, saturated fats and added sugars) in typical meals(breakfast, dinner, lunch and snacks) in the USA.
These pie charts give information on the average percentages of three kinds of nutrients, namely Sodium, saturated fat and Added sugar which can be harmful by too consumption of ordinary food in the USA.
The diagrams above indicate the average proportions of three nutrients sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in typical meals, which can be harmful to people who live in the USA if consumed too much.
The given pies illustrate the average percent of sodium, saturated fat and added sugars are taken in four main meals, which theirs overconsumption might be harmful for health. Overall, the majority of sodium and fat were frequently eaten at dinner, while
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