The two pie charts illustrate the difference in Energy Production field of France in 1995 and 2005. There are five parts in diagrams: gas, coal, petrol, nuclear and others.
The pie charts show a comparison of the percentages of various types of French willingness production in 1995 and 2005. Overall, it can be seen in the pie chart that coal remains the most used strength. While other preparation remains a little productivit
The two pie charts show a comparison of the percentages of various types of French energy production in 1995 and 2005. Overall, it can be seen in the pie chart that of the two years coal remains the most used energy. While other energy remains a little en
The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of several category of energy including gas, coal, petrol, nuclear and others, which were produced in French during 1995 and 2005.
These pie charts depict the production of energy in different type for two years in the France. It is clear from the graph that, the coal and gas is the major source in both years
The two pie charts below illustrate the production of several types of power sources such as coal, gas, petro, nuclear, and other in France during 1995 and 2005.