IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table illustrates the percentage of five different European countries spending on food and beverages, entertainment, housing, and clothing. Overall, It is clearly seen that all those five countries spend their income majority on food, drink, and housi
The table illustrates the percentage of five different European countries spending on food and beverages, entertainment, housing, and clothing. Overall, It is clearly seen that all those five countries spend their income majority on food, drink, and housi
The table shows the rates of household income which spent on four items in five Eouropian countries. Overall, what stands out from the table is that the level of housing is dominant than others in three of the countries(France, Germany and UK) whereas in
The table illustrates the five different European countries spend their household income on food and drinks, housing, clothing and entertainments. It is immediately apparent all five countries spent most of the household income on food and drinks and housing.To begin with, France, Germany and UK spend majority of their income on housing, at 31%, 33% and 37% respectively. In contrast, they spend around a quarter on food and drink. Opposite was true for Turkey and Spain they spend large amount on food and drinks, at 36% and 31%, and on housing, at 20% and 18% respectively.On the other hand, all five countries spend much less on the clothing and entertainment. France and Spain spend less than 10%. While the other three countries spend the same around the 13%. Furthermore, Germany spend most on the clothing, at 19 % whereas UK and Turkey spend half of the amount.In conclusion, Housing was largest expenditure item for France, Germany and UK while the food and drink was biggest expenditure for Turkey and Spain.
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