Overall the graph shows an inverse relationship bewteen the number of closures and openings shop. The growth rate remains unclear and appears to have no patterns but the number of closures shop execeed the number of opening majority of the time and at the
The graph depicit the number of closures and opening in a given country. The observed period span from 2011-2018. By ignoring small year-to-year fluctuations, both closures and opening display a declining trend.
The graph illustrates the changes in the number of shops that closed and newly opened from 2011 to 2018. Overall, fewer shops were closed between 2016 and 2018 than between 2011 and 2014 while there was a downward trend in the number of new shops.
A glance at a line graph provided reveals the breakdown of closed and brand new opened stores in one location from 2011 to 2018. Overall, there was a recessive growth pattern witnessed in openings which followed the opposite trend in comparison to closing