My name is Tess. I graduated with a computer science degree previous year and I have been working as a computer engineer since my graduation. I saw your advertisement recommending a course for improving memory. I found it useful for me. However, I'm 26 years old, I've realized that I forget some simple tasks more frequently.As an example, I don't remember either I locked the door or not, also phone number and addresses slip my mind at the moment somebody gives it to me. This issue becomes more significant when I forget to prepare the requested documents for my boss. For instance, one embarrassing moment was when I was supposed to explain the obstacle in the project for my coworkers and my mind went blank. Consequently, it actually makes me disappointed about myself and I'm really glad that I saw your advertisement. I would be pleased if you could tell a bit about the methods applied in the course and if it desires any special requirement. In addition, can I ask about the fees and the date of classes so if I have to re-arrange my schedule to fit yours?