IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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We live in a world where social media is the main platform for communication. Every single person has an account in any one of the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter. Due to this huge development in the connectivity between people, it is rare for anyone to send letters these days. This essay agrees to the statement given in the question and will also state different points explaining about it.
We live in a world where social media is the main platform for communication. Every single person has an account in any one of the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter. Due to this huge development in the connectivity between people, it is rare for anyone to send letters these days. This essay agrees with the statement given in the question and will also state different points explaining about it.
We live in a world where social media is the main platform for communication. Every single person has an account in any one of the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter. Due to this huge development in the connectivity between people, it is rare for anyone to send letters these days. This essay agrees with the statement given in the question and will also state different points explaining about it.
We live in a world where social media is the main platform for communication. Every single person has an account in any one of the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter. Due to this huge development in the connectivity between people, it is rare for anyone to send letters these days. This essay agrees with the statement given in the question and will also state different points explaining about it.
We live in a world where social media is the main platform for communication. Every single person has an account in any one of the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Twitter. Due to this huge development in the connectivity between people, it is rare for anyone to send letters these days. This essay agrees with the statement given in the question and will also state different points explaining about it.
In years gone by, before the age of the telegraph or telephone, note writing was the main means of communication for most people. Since then we have developed faster and more direct ways of contacting people, and personal mail has become relatively rare.
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